Writing 6

Writing 6


-Mary:Hi Lucy,What´s up?

-Lucy:Oh,I´ve just had another argument with my sister.

-Mary:Oh,you poor thing.What was it about this time?

-Lucy:Nothing,really!She's lost her mobile phone and she thinks I took it without asking.But I didn't .I don't know were it is.

-Mary:Well,I'm sure she'll calm down soon.You don't need to worry.

-Lucy:Yes,maybe you're right.It's just that I don't like having arguments with her.

-Mary:Yes,I know what you mean.I hate arguments too.But you used to be a cheerful girl.

-Lucy:Yes,I know,but now she gets angry with me all the time.I think that the reason is because she split up with her boyfriend recently.

-Mary:That is worrying her.You could ask her.Just be patient and I´m sure it will fine.

-Lucy:Yes,I suppose you'r right.

-Mary:Anyway,is there anything I can do to help you?

-Lucy:Invite me to snack and  that will cheer me up.


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