Comment 11:Since when do we have mobile nowadays?

Since when do we have mobile nowadays?

Today, almost all children and teenagers have a cell phone and use the internet. Having a phone ,if you do not know how to use it properly, may cause some problems, depending on how you use it, so 10 year olds should not have a cell phone because they are very young and could get into trouble, and should be watched by an adult.

Nowadays children need internet to chat, search for information, perform work, communicate ..

Younger children if they have a cell phone should be watched by their parents or a relative because they can watch pornography and get into unknown pages and at that age they should not see that.

If you have a cell phone, use it well. A 10 year -old child can have a cell phone and you can have internet, but I think you should use it well and you should be responsible, and know what pages you visit.


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